Randy Jackson called…

February 8, 2011 § 2 Comments

He wants his glasses back.

Sorry, Dawg. 

I’m one of those people who is just blind enough.  Like, I can wake up in the night and find the bathroom and the wouldgies and the valentine’s candy just fine, but night driving  is a no-no.  So is TV watching, basketball spectating and really anything that requires me to make out your face.  No, not make out with your face.  This ain’t that kind of blog.  Being that my glasses were 3 years old,  the peepers were in need of a serious tune-up.  And baby, I feel like the Mack Daddy of vision.  Eyesight.  It’s SO handy.

I realize I haven’t been so bloggy on the spot of late, but I can’t stop cleaning now that I’ve discovered all this dust.  And E. coli.  Any wonder wouldgie small has the flu?  We’ve been living in a petri dish of neglect for the past 365 days. 

Happy Anniversary, Creek. 

YOU were a good idea.

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